San Diego to Ensenada, Baja California, Mexico
December 1: 65 nautical miles (1 day trip)
Monday, December 29, 2003: 6:13 am San Diego, CA
0613 AM: 160 degrees, motoring, wind from east at 3 knots, heavy current, sunrise coming up, kids sleeping.
0716 AM: 164 degrees, motoring. Crossed into Mexican waters (according to the GPS chart plotter!)
0852 AM: Passed Coronado Islands, Baja Califiornia, Mexico
1030 AM: W117.05.003 (100ths, from Chart Plotter!) N 32.12'.560
1600 PM: Arrived Baja Naval Marina, Ensenada. $.50/foot per day.
Kelvin & Meagan at the Ensenada fish market. Makes my catches look like bait!
book in lower left corner that tells me how to gut, clean and then cook it!
Kelvin helped me and insisted on cutting off the head. Mark wasn't thrilled
about having to bash it to death for me! Oh how did the natives survive with
this kind of yuk!
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